CSL Biotechnology Manufacturing Facility

Client: CSL Behring
Year: 2019-2020
Industry: Pharmaceutical
Location: Victoria

As part of Project Aurora, TFG were awarded the contract for the design, fabrication and installation of nine platforms required for Level 1 of the new Base Fractionation Facility at CSLs production facility in Broadmeadows.

A total of nine platforms were fabricated in mild steel and installed on site, providing safe access for the utility tanks on Level 1.

  • Mains Water and Micro Filtered Permeate Tanks
  • Purified Water Tanks
  • Water For Injection Hot Tanks
  • Water For Injection Cold Tanks
  • Water For Injection Stills
  • Effluent Collection Tanks
  • Ethanol Tanks
  • CIP Dilute Tanks

The project was logistically challenging, with the platforms fabricated in TFG’s Perth facility, then freighted on 12 trucks to Victoria. The installation was assisted by a sub-contract cranage company and with tight timeframes and restricted site access, the TFG project manager worked tirelessly to coordinate the freight, installation dates and sub-contractors.

Working from the original concept drawings provided by the client, TFG draftsmen and engineers worked to verify all structural components to ensure they met the required specifications. Site access was restricted during the design phase so the development of the design was completed 3D modelling and footprint designs.