Curtin University Building 304

Client: Envar
Year: 2016
Industry: Commercial
Location: Western Australia 

Building 304 will provide custom research facilities dedicated to the Centre for Crop and Disease. Situated on the eastern side of Curtin’s Bentley campus; the four-story building will feature three levels of highly specialised laboratories.

TFG Group was awarded the contract to supply, fabricate and install all associated stainless steel ductwork and decontamination lines for the custom research facilities by lead contractor Envar Group. TFG successfully designed, fabricated and installed all deliverables. TFG also assisted with final testing before the handover to the client.

A comprehensive pre site measure to existing floor and ceiling penetrations allowed TFG to customise and pre fabricate with precision in our Perth based factory. The pre-fabricated lobster back elbows, t- junctions and all spooling were then installed on site by experienced tradesmen with specialised cushion head install engaging purge welding techniques. Working with Envar on the design of the cushion head allowed for cost effective fabrication. TFG’s opportunity to maximise off site fabrication of large bore spools was integral in the success of the projects timeline.

This facility demanded each environment within the building to have a specific controlled atmosphere. The ductwork required TFG fabricators and installers to utilise sanitary grade purge welding to all stainless steel spools and fabricated items to ensure air purification of individual rooms and spaces in the laboratory. Passivation of all welds also ensured successful final testing of the system. This dedicated research building provides truly world-class contemporary facilities and will be the catalyst in attracting globally recognised crop and disease management scholars to Curtin University.