West End Brewery Installation

Client: Lion Beer Spirits & Wine
Year: 2013-2015
Industry: Brewing
Location: South Australia

Lion chose TFG Group as the preferred mechanical installation contractor for the entire Hyde Park Project.

 Valued at more than $10m, the two-year project was a huge success with TFG’s management staff working closely with Lion project engineers to finalise the most effective design options. 

  • New brewhouse supplied by Krones
  • New Cider Plant using refurbished fermenters from Swan Brewery in Perth
  • New Crossflow Filter
  • Strip out a part of the Swan brewhouse, relocate, reassemble and install
  • Install 3 new CIP Plants
  • Bulk chemical handling plant
  • Cellar Refurbishment
  • Boiler upgrade
  • Strip out existing brewhouse
  • New sugar upgrade
  • Water farm relocation and installation
  • Temporary pipe relocation

The Hyde Park project ran for two years with 35 specialised welders from TFG onsite full time.

To ensure the safety of their employees, sub-contractors and operations staff, TFG employed a dedicated onsite safety officer to oversee the project. As a result, 68,000 man hours were worked with zero safety incidents, MTIs or LTIs.

This safety first approach was particularly pertinent given that the total shut down time for the installation was only seven weeks.