Mechanical Installation
Client: Tetra Pak
Year: 2016
Sector: Dairy
Foodline Projects was awarded the mechanical installation to fabricate and install pipework and associated pipe racks to the most modern dairy facility in Australia. Foodline tradesman installed 7.5km of stainless steel tube at the new plant with the latest Tetra Pak® processing technology.
Nature’s Dairy Australia is a modern Tetra Pak® built milk processing facility with two lines for the aseptic packing of dairy products in the new Edge pack. The factory is the only fully integrated Tetra Pak® plant in Australia showcasing their latest technology for processing and traceability.
Foodline used specialised aseptic welding throughout the installation with accompanying weld maps and bore scoping to complete Non-destructive testing and adhere to ISO 9001. 316L stainless steel was used in the installed process pipe and water services and 304L stainless steel for all CIP and Airlines.
The specialised Tetra Pak® equipment including homogenizers and aseptic tanks were installed in the new plant by the Foodline workforce, along with the steam boiler, air compressor plant, and Cooling Towers.
Foodline was contracted to the site in May 2016 and completed the mechanical installation at the end of January 2017. The project finished with zero harm and due to Foodline’s commitment to quality and safety, no LTI’s or MTI’s were reported during the 8-month project.